"Exterior Surface
Cleaning Specialists"


Licensed & Insured

If it gets dirtyRental agreement require a clean return?
we can clean it!


P.O. Box 1511
Plainville, MA 02762
(508) 695-3151
(800) 847-3516

Visa and Master Card accepted


© Mobile Power Wash of New England - All rights reserved


Fair Equipment at the New England Fair, Gillette Stadium, Foxboro, MAMobile Power Wash of New England regularly cleans quite a variety of specialty items and equipment—from carnival rides to communications dishes—and everything in between. This provides a fast, cost effective cleaning solution in situations originally thought to be uncleanable or too time consuming to clean.

Businesses and individuals are often not aware something they have can be power washed or cleaned at all. Whether it is equipment, engines, fixtures, monuments, statuary, or what have you; power washing should be an option you consider.

Many times it proves to be more effective, less expensive and a much quicker alternative to the archaic methods traditionally utilized to clean and freshen “oddball” items. So when in doubt; or when you face cleaning challenges contact the experts at Mobile Power Wash of New England.

So, what do you have to clean?
Mobile Power Wash of New England offers:

  • Solutions to tough or “non traditional” cleaning situations
  • High and Low pressure cleaning available to suit the specific job requirement
  • Varied water temperature up to and including steam to suit the specific job requirement
  • Ability to supply our own water if required
  • Company bucket truck available if required
  • Specialty cleaning equipment available for a variety of tough cleaning situations

  Signs and siding gets power washed at the New England Fair.Fly away CLEAN!
Satellite Dish - before power washing Satellite Dish - after power washing